Monday, December 1, 2008

Future home of Riverbend Community Park

This is my World
A new Meme is being launched called That's my world. so click on the Icon and join.

Saturday we decided to take a drive and check out the other side of the Old Mill District were the new park has been going in, our first time to actually visit and take a walk. One thing about Bend we have many Parks for your strolling pleasure.
Click on the photo to see what it will look like when totally completed.
Here is a play area for the kids
Rock climbing anyone? The kids looked like they were having a great time
Also click on this photo to see the bridge and the ducks
The buildings here are some of the industrial buildings, guess i need to go see what they all have in them. Also they have part of this blocked off so they can put more pavers in for the side walk. Can't imagine what all this has to cost.But sure is pretty
Had to catch the sun in the water and the reflections of the tree. I must say the weather for the Thanksgiving week couldn't of been more perfect. Mostly running around 65 to 68 degrees. Just gorgeous. But not good for our ski resort.
And here is a fellow canoeing looks like he was enjoying himself.
So that is my world this week, Hope that you enjoyed my part of the world?


Aisha said...

This is a beautiful place. I'm from Eugene that's why I checked on your place. :)

Jan said...

Nice world you've got there. Love the photo with the ducks, all the photos are great, of course.

Arija said...

Nice outing and thanks for showin us around.

chrome3d said...

I would enjoy myself canoeing ther too. Thanks for the walk around your park.

kayleen said...

looks like it will be a wonderful place to while away the hours. nice to see bend is investing in the future this way. thanks for sharing.

magiceye said...

lovely world!

Anonymous said...

That entry level rock climbing place looks good enough even for me.

Thanks for the tour.

alicesg said...

Your part of the world is lovely. I will link this blog too. Happy tuesday.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is the kind of world we all need. What a fabulous place and those images are wonderful.

Indrani said...

Wonderful images of your world.

??? said...

I enjoyed talking that walk with you :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Lilli: What a great tour of your area. You had some neat photos of the area.

Sandra said...

So many interesting, and definitely inviting pictures! Thank you for your visit and greetings from Croatia.

Carver said...

That looks like a great place to go and walk around. Great there is so much for the children to do there. All good shots and I love the last shot. So peaceful.

dot said...

Nice pictures Lilli. I think I'd enjoy the park and the walking out on that bridge. said...

this is such a beautiful area. & your weather is so warm! We haven't been past 50 degrees in a few weeks!

Mojo said...

Wow, they went for the high-end pavers too! Not an inexpensive proposition at all. But worth it for a setting like this one. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet on stuff like that. Nice collection you have here, and it looks like they've managed to maintain some balance between form and function in the process too. Makes everybody happy.

(and psst... that's a kayak... canoes don't have decks.)

Louise said...

Beautiful place! Lovely without snow.

Mary said...

Looks like it will be a great place for families to spend time. We need all the green areas we can get! Lovely!

Rural Writer said...

This looks super! Love the picture of the guy canoeing, and the one with the ducks. Nice pictures and interesting post.

 gmirage said...

I envy the blue skies on your part of the globe...simply beautiful!

little by little we see each other's world...thanks for sharing yours and for visiting mine!

Anonymous said...

All the photo's are wonderful. Looks like a nice, relaxing vacation spot.

Sylvia K said...

Love the photos! I lived in Portland for sixteen years, so they made me a bit nostalgic. Love the canoe!

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like your world is still enjoying good weather! Hope you have a great week too.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

it is a beautiful park and covers everything it looks like! Our weather has not been as nice as yours! Its COLD in Georgia!

Anonymous said...

Lovely already, and it's still under construction. I could imagine spending a lot of time there.

SandyCarlson said...

That's an interesting development, to be sure. Already it looks great.

DeniseinVA said...

Enjoyed looking around your world this week. Lovely photos too.

Anonymous said...

Oregon looks like such a pretty part of the world. Thanks for sharing

Inkivääri said...

I liked - nice pics:)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures...I just wanted to dispell some rumors about the pavers after reading a couple of the posts. (I'm very familiar with them.) The pavers used in this project are very economical; more so than most would think. The particular ones used here are by no means "high-end" in terms of cost, just quality. In fact, on a price scale, these are probably one of the most affordable pavers you're going to find. Anways, I just wanted you guys to know that it looks like a million bucks, but I don't think it cost quite that much!